Our Manifesto
We recognise military veterans who have served South Africa honourably.
We remember and salute the fallen.
We advocate peace and promote unity and nation building.
We do not discriminate.
We strive to uphold the wellbeing benefits of military veterans.
We defend the interests of military veterans.
We will collaborate with any like-minded body.
What is the South African Legion?
The South African Legion is a member of a world-wide family of organisations serving military veterans and their dependents. Through the Royal Commonwealth Ex-services League (RCEL), it is linked with 54 member organisation in 49 countries. Eighteen of the member states are in Africa.
The Legion has been serving South Africa’s veterans’ community since 1921.
Our policy is national, non-sectarian and apolitical.
We admit as members those who have served in the forces of the Union/Republic of South Africa, Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK), APLA, AZANLA or those of the former TBVC states. Commonwealth veterans, as well as persons sympathetic to the cause of the Legion, are also welcomed in the Legion’s ranks.
In addition to its members, a number of other organisations are affiliated to the Legion. This ensures input by corps and regimental organisations in the affairs of the Legion at both local and national levels.
The organisation consists of Branches grouped in provincial/regional structures. On a national level, policy is determined at a bi-annual National Congress and the National Executive is responsible for decision-making and the management of the organisation when Congress is not in session. Administration is centralised by a Secretariat in Johannesburg.
How the South African Legion began
After suffering the horrors of war in France and Flanders, thousands of men who fought on the British side in World War One underwent incredible hardship once they had been discharged from the armed services and returned to civilian life. Realising the serious plight in which men found themselves, three prominent soldiers, Field Marshall Earl Haig, General the Rt. Hon. J.C. Smuts and General Sir H.T. Lukin founded the British Empire Service League (BESL).
The inaugural meeting was held in the City Hall, Cape Town on 21 February 1921. The South African Branch was titled ‘British Empire Service League (South Africa) but in April 1941 in deference to the pro-war and anti-war factions in the country the name was changed to the ‘South African Legion of the BESL’. Originally in Bloemfontein, the Headquarters moved to Johannesburg in 1942. In 1952 the name was again altered, this time to the South African Legion of the British Commonwealth Ex-Service League (BESL).
The aim of the BESL was to provide care, employment and housing. In South Africa the Legion was equal to the challenge. It built on the foundation and continued this good work after World War Two. Thousands of men and women have been assisted in all manner of means and this work carries on to-day. Former National Servicemen and those who were part of the armed struggle are assisted with advice and direction.
Towards the end of WW2, the Legion launched several housing schemes in various parts of the country, including housing projects for coloured and black soldiers. A large social centre and chapel in Soweto is a good example. When the Government lifted the ban on black people owning property, veterans living in over 200 homes built by the Legion in the Dube and Moroka districts of Soweto found themselves entitled to acquire their homes on a 99 year leasehold. 

From the beginning, the Legion established a close liaison with Government Departments, which fortunately still exists, although there have been times when relations were strained. A major clash took place when the Legion reacted strongly in 1956 to the Government’s move to ban black and coloured veterans from Remembrance Day Services.
Successive governments have enlisted the help of the Legion when drawing up war pension legislation and Legion representations have made a significant contribution towards making this legislation among the most generous enacted in the world. The fight to obtain parity of pensions for all – white, coloured and black veterans was finally won in 1986/87.
It had been a long battle.

One of the Legion’s major undertakings is securing pensions for South African post-war disabled servicemen. It also undertakes investigations on behalf of the Royal Commonwealth Ex-service League (RCEL) in respect of assistance requested by other Commonwealth ex-service personnel who reside in this country.
Don't forget to wear your POPPY to any remembrance event...
We shall remember